The 28 June meeting will feature a general overview of Howard County ARES-RACES activities and future goals. Dan Wilt N3YQ and Andy Protigal N3AWP will review the group's emergency communication support relationships, recent activities, future goals, and address questions about becoming a member of the ARES-RACES team. We also anticipate a visit from the ARRL Maryland-DC Section Leadership who will review, among other topics, thoughts for a possible section wide emergency communications Simulated Emergency Test in October.
Meetings are open to all, spread the word!
The in-person meeting is in the Applied Physics Lab Building 1 Cafeteria, 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd, Laurel, MD 20723. From Rt. 29 go west on Johns Hopkins Road. At the second light turn right onto APL drive, proceed to the end and park on the left. From the Bldg 1 lobby, turn right at the guard desk to enter the cafeteria and proceed to the far end.
Zoom Link
You can also watch the meeting via Zoom, however the chat will not be moderated and viewers will not be able to ask questions. Those on the newsletter mailing list will already have received a link for the Zoom meeting; if you would like a link please Register on the event page and a link will automatically be sent to you.