CARA will be operating two HF stations and a satellite station at our 2023 Field Day at River Hill High School in Clarksville, MD. The operating event runs from 2pm on Saturday 24 June to 2pm on Sunday 25 June. All who are interested in ham radio are welcome! It's a great opportunity for experienced hams or those with some experience but who may be new to HF operations to make a bunch of contacts. And our coaches will help new hams and non-hams get on the air to make their first contacts.
Bring the family and friends to the cookout on Saturday at 5pm, CARA will provide hot dogs, chips, and drinks, feel free to bring anything you may wish to share. No RSVP needed.
Many volunteers are needed to make the event a success! Help is particularly needed for setup at 8am on Saturday 24 June, and for breakdown on Sunday 25 June.